7 Terms to Survive a Date in 2024

7 terms to survive a date

In an increasingly digitalized world, where social networks and dating apps have redefined the landscape of romance and flirting, maintaining a spontaneous and sustained conversation has become an endangered art. Terms like ghosting, bread-crumbing, love-bombing, etc., have invaded our vocabulary, describing situations that many experience in the realm of love and relationships, especially after the …

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Can lack of sleep contribute to premature ejaculation?

man resting his head on the table while working

I stumbled upon an intriguing investigation and its astonishing results. W Zhang and his colleagues conducted extensive research on the relationship between sleep quality and premature ejaculation. In an experiment involving 349 men, they observed that “sleep quality may be a potential risk factor for patients with acquired premature ejaculation.” But what does this truly …

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Unlocking the Forbidden: The Allure of Taboo Desires

woman in bed with bdsm handcuffs

Have you ever fantasized about doing something forbidden? Does the idea of engaging in acts that defy societal norms excite you? Throughout history, humans have felt an undeniable attraction to the forbidden. Whether in the realm of personal relationships, substance consumption, exploring restricted places, or challenging established social norms, we refer to this as the …

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All Questions and Answers about Premature Ejaculation

man seeking information on his laptop on a wooden table

As a sexologist, specially trained in couples counseling and with extensive experience in the field of male sexuality, I have devoted years to understanding and addressing the challenges associated with premature ejaculation. Throughout my professional experience, I have encountered numerous questions related to typical concerns about premature ejaculation. Some of these questions are based on …

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Can Alcohol Lead to Premature Ejaculation?

couple laughing and enjoying a drink

As a specialist in male sexual dysfunction, particularly premature ejaculation, I’ve encountered numerous techniques and methods that individuals often turn to in hopes of enhancing their ejaculation time. Among these approaches, the use of alcohol stands out as one of the most frequently employed. Intrigued by the prevalence of this strategy, I felt compelled to …

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What happens to our body with anabolic steroids?

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The cult of the body has come to stay. It’s a fact we can’t deny and doesn’t come without criticism. While some people see this cult as a way to stay in shape and take care of themselves, others take it to another level. Some people turn to the use of anabolic steroids in the …

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Sexual fantasies you might not have heard of.

most uncommon sexual fantasies

Here’s a look at four of the most uncommon sexual fantasies I came across in my session. Most of them have a historical meaning or background. In this article you will find interesting information about these fantasies and before you finish you will learn where they come from and why there are people who fantasize …

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Curious facts about oral sex

Curious facts oral

Oral sex is an act of appreciation and sensuality. It’s an exciting way to connect with someone in such a pleasurable way. However, even as an isolated act, oral sex serves as a deeply intimate, satisfying experience for both parties. This act has been known to exist for centuries but there’s still some myths and …

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Asexuality: the great unknown

The truth behind asexuality

In the world of sexual diversity we find all kinds of people. Fortunately, as the society advances, so do the LGTBIQ+ people’s rights, as well as the understanding of sexuality in general. But there are some sexual identities that continue to generate controversy and which remain largely unknown: people who identify themselves as asexual. One …

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What does New Masculinity mean?

new masculinity mean

The phrase “New Masculinity” was popularized in October 2019, when GQ published the “The New Masculinity Issue.” But well before 2019, the idea of new masculinity has been around, and it’s taken various names, including “modern masculinity” and “positive masculinity.”  But doesn’t matter what you call it, the bottom line of this is that we …

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Closets, what are they for?

how come out of the closet

We all know the expression coming out of the closet. It comes from the mid-twentieth century in the United States and it is believed that its origin comes from trans men and women who “came out of the closet” who wore feminine clothes as a way to express their sexuality openly to society in a …

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Body Awareness: What it is and Tips to get it

body awareness how to get it

One of the main reasons we don’t enjoy sex is because we don’t perceive the changes that our bodies go through. You may be asking yourself: how come we don’t perceive these changes? This may be due to the fact that we tend to be oblivious about our bodily sensations and therefore, our pleasure. The …

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Pain and pleasure: how to enjoy pain in bed

pain and pleasure

Let’s talk about pain and pleasure. Did you know these two concepts are related? You might not know this, but sometimes pain produces a pleasurable sensation. We caught your attention for sure, but first we start talking about how to experience pain in a pleasurable way, we must explain that pain has different types of …

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Keep your libido high: do aphrodisiac foods actually exist?

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MYHIXEL experts recommend brown rice, oily fish, fruits such as apples and grapes among other foods in our shopping list. For a better sexual response, avoid consuming alcohol, coffee, sweeteners, high saturated foods and processed foods. It has long been said that aphrodisiac foods help us feel more passionate towards others or increase our overall …

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7 Erotic Films to heat Things Up

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I’m sure that, on many an occasion, you’ve wanted to sit down and enjoy a film, but when faced with the massive selection we have these days, time seemed to disappear and you couldn’t decide which film to watch. In this post, we’re bringing you our selection of 7 erotic films which will help to …

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5 Sex Games to Celebrate International Chocolate Day

sex games with chocolate

Since the 1990s, International Chocolate Day has been celebrated on September 13th. France chose this day to coincide with the birthday of Roald Dahl, the author of such well-known books as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. All of us here at MYHIXEL wanted to join in with this celebration, and what better way than by …

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Being Happy and Single: Flanagan Mcphee’s 4 tips

being happy and single

Hello dear (and happy) bachelor, Yes, that’s you, you who haven’t had a partner for quite some time now. You’ve gone from “ex-partner” to “no partner” without even noticing. You’ve stopped thinking about your ex and you don’t want to find anyone just yet. But you are waiting for that special someone who’ll come along …

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